A people-powered movement for trees

on Sat 24 Nov

As woodworkers we’re bound to be connected to the woods and woodland that enable our work but that connection is about so much more than securing our raw material. Trees and woods are rooted in our language, culture, literature, art and industry. This is a big subject but the essential issue is the future of our domestic forests and woodland. 

Back in 2015, the Woodland Trust identified a crisis in the UK. Among many concerns, they highlighted confusion about rights of public access, low planting rates and threats from housing and infrastructure development, pests, diseases – and the impact of climate change.

In response, together with more than 70 organisations and 300 local community groups, they worked to create the Charter for Trees, Woods and People, which sets out the principles for a society in which people and trees can stand stronger together. 

If this chimes with you, have a look at their website where you can view and sign up to the Charter:



National Tree Week:  24 – 30 November 2018

On 6 November 2017, on the 800th anniversary of the 1217 Charter of the Forest,* the new Charter for Trees, Woods and People was launched.

Each year, the last Saturday of November is set to mark Tree Charter Day – a day for people to unite in celebrating the value and importance of our trees and woodlands. It also marks the start of National Tree Week.

*In 1217 the Charter of the Forest was signed by Henry III to protect the rights of free men in England to access and use the Royal Forests which had been set aside as the King’s hunting grounds. Prior to this, anyone entering Royal Forests to access sustainable benefits, such as firewood, could be punished severely for stealing.

800 years on, the role of trees and woods in the lives of people living in the UK has changed. But trees and woods are in need of protection more now than ever before.







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